
This is a partial list of products, technologies and industries we service:
Software development, mobile app, software, platform, infrastructure, data as a service (SaaS, PaaS, Iaas, Daas), managed, hosted services, end-user agreements, terms of use and privacy policies, open source, information technology, website development and operational databases, E-commerce, R & D, mechanical, medical devices, electronic medical records, medical transcription, inventory management, artificial intelligence, creative works and rights, website content and design, musical compositions and recordings, designs, film and photography, sculpture, painting and fine art, books and maps, rights of publicity, sponsorships and endorsements, publishing, manufacturing, manufacturing methods, industrial equipment, consumer products, sports equipment, business and financial, banking, business methods, franchises

This is a partial list of property licensing services we address:

Assistance evaluating licensable assets, anticipating aspects that may change or go wrong, prepare or revise agreements, negotiation of transactions, developing systems to administer agreements and track obligations.
IP i.e. patent, trademark, copyright, processes, systems, franchises and other licensing
Licensing agreement review
Licensing agreement drafting, negotiation, compliance review